graphic © Sameshima Shuzumi

Red for Pleasure


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Welcome to Red for Pleasure! This is the headquarters of Shusu's RfP Network. Pop-ups, CSS, and Javascript are required. This is by no means a final draft of the splash page or the site, so please be patient while I work out the kinks.
As always, only the links below are guaranteed to work.

outside DO NOT ENTER IF YOU ARE: viewer younger than 18
legal minor (i.e. no kids!)
those restricted by local laws

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Updates (Psst, Remixer!): via LiveJournal. Have an LJ? Join my sprogs community. NEW! Doggie by Ushikai

YST: Yoroiden Samurai Troopers yaoi. NEW! Doggie by Ushikai

GW: Gundam Wing yaoi.
GW Sub Rosa: the old guest archive.

ai zai ren jian: tame! Henry shrine.
Hidden Paths: first ever RyoJen shrine.

RfP elsewhere :: Live! LJ: latest / missing / HH fic + bloghub: misc + Fringe of Society: Darkflame's archive (anime) + Simple Pleasures: tame!fun.

Caput Draconis: Harry Potter via LJ.

More specs: Book Antiqua / Garamond, and Verdana used. Credits: Lovingly handcoded on Notepad. Graphics generated on Adobe Photoshop Elements, (Corel PhotoHouse), and Ultimate Paint. Free JavaScripts provided by The JavaScript Source, Lissa Explains It All. Counter by WebCounter. Free GuestBooks by Phaistos Networks. Internal site graphics are linkware from various sources, including doggies by Ushikai. Additional graphics from Becky's Screencaps and

All anime and novels are copyright to their respective creators and companies. No claim is made on these characters or universes. Nevertheless, all HTML, text content, and original art of "Red for Pleasure" is copyright © 2000-2005 Sameshima Shuzumi / Liondragon.
Unauthorized duplication and distribution is strictly prohibited.